How KindKatch Propelled A National Conference’s Registrations with Personalized Engagement


Campaigns: 10

Days: 30

KindKatches Shared: 15,268

Registrations Influenced: 142%+

KindKatch In Action

Raise 2021 sponsored by OneCause was preparing to launch its 5th annual fundraising conference. The team engaged KindKatch to help drive registrations. They created a Raise campaign that featured personalized videos from conference speakers and industry leaders. They directly texted segments of the Raise audience based on job title. Each targeted message included content and fundraising tips. Four weeks of sharing personalized messages helped to influence a 142% increase in conference registrations.

Dawn Lego, Channel Marketing Director for OneCause, remarked, “There’s so much to love about the KindKatch mobile app and desktop workflow. The platform makes it easy to collect, organize, store, and share video content.  But the most exciting part is the opportunity to curate and send personalized videos that speak directly to our nonprofit community. These messages are highly targeted and help to break through the noise of email and social media – reaching the busy nonprofit fundraiser directly with an engaging video text message. KindKatch you sharpened the future of communications, Bravo.” 


With about a month left before kick-off and a rise in COVID-19 cases nationwide, the Raise Conference was forced to pivot to an all-virtual event. They needed a way to rally and engage their #FearlessFundraiser base as well as those that had never attended before. The Raise Conference had a powerhouse of talent in their speaker lineup, but mass emails and social media ads alone were not driving prospects to register. They needed a scalable way to deliver that personalized content and inspire conference supporters to take action.

Final Overview

The mission of the Raise Conference is to create a place where fundraisers can learn, connect, and grow. Like many events happening during the pandemic, the Raise Conference needed a way to cut through the noise and galvanize their conference supporters. They worked with KindKatch to engage their existing database with personal video messages and help hit conference goals. As part of the engagement strategy, OneCause sent one video to all of their audience letting them know they would be receiving personalized video advice and content over the next three weeks. Each week for four weeks, OneCause sent out a personal video tip from their conference speakers with audience messaging specific (e.g. VIdeo #1 went to Executive Directors). The message and content were tailored and personal. They did this three more times engaging Development Directors and Special Events Manager segments, ultimately resulting in 10 campaigns with 15,000+ KindKatches shared that helped influence a 142% increase in registrations.

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