KindKatch Drives $155k in Fundraising and 47% Gift Increase for Annual Day of Giving

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  • 5,345 touchpoints created
  • 12 Hours
  • $155,000 Dollars Raised
  • 393 Unique Gifts
  • +127 Gift Increase YoY

KindKatch In Action

Oakland University Athletics was executing an internal Day of Giving with their audience of athletic alumni and donors. With 19 different varsity sports in their program, they knew each audience segment deserved personalized outreach, and there is no better engaging experience than athletic alumni or donors hearing from the coach of their past sport or the sport they support financially.

Product Testimony

“The partnership with KindKatch has provided Oakland University Athletics with a unique platform to engage donors, alumni, community members, and others and tell our stories. Whether an athletics event, a fundraising initiative, or a team activity, using KindKatch allows us to tell our stories in creative ways that strengthen the connection between the athletics department and audience and has led to fundraising successes.” 

– Steve Waterfield, Athletic Director at Oakland University

Campaign Details and Key Results Cases

Fundraising Campaign

Using KindKatch, Oakland University Athletics created 28 pieces of coach-generated content quickly and easily for 14 sports segments. Each coach made a “day of” fundraising appeal video as well as a “day after” thank you video for all donors. A scalable template from a KindKatch-made playbook allowed for each donor receiving the video message to have a personalized feel with a low lift for the OU team.

  • $155,000= total dollars raised in 12 hours
  • 30% increase in overall dollars YoY
  • 47% increase in unique gifts YoY
  • 28 videos created
  • $11,104 = average gift total per audience segment
  • $395= average gift per video view

Thank You Campaign

On the day of giving, the first 14 campaigns were sent, each to their respective audience of that sport’s alumni and donors. These campaigns generated $155k+ dollars across 393 gifts, a 127 gift count increase from the previous year’s Day of Giving campaign. After the Day of Giving, Oakland Athletics then executed a video thank-you campaign for all donors, creating 260 personal touchpoints with a 72% engagement/view rate on their thank-you content.

Ready to step up your audience engagement? Schedule a demo here to connect. 

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