Multi-Studio Owner Boosts Monthly ROI 3x with KindKatch Campaigns.

Looking for ways to supercharge your business without adding to your to-do list? 

Let KindKatch’s video messaging solution help you drive results and save time! In this blog post, we’ll share the inspiring success story of Jason Hanley, a multi-unit health & wellness studio owner who tripled his monthly ROI by harnessing the power of KindKatch. 

Learn how Jason generated over $10,000 in revenue, reduced cancellations by 33%, and boosted engagement to 86% among low-utilization customers. With our unique video messaging solution, you can take your business to the next level, just like Jason did!

See Jason’s studios in action

Jason’s Story

Jason Hanley owns three Orangetheory Fitness studios in Michigan and has been using KindKatch since February of 2022.

He came to us looking for ways to increase monthly revenue, reduce cancellations, improve customer engagement, and connect with his members in a personalized way at scale. After implementing our video messaging solution into his existing marketing strategy, the results were remarkable:

3x Monthly ROI with Video Messaging

As a multi-unit owner in the fitness industry, customer retention is key to success. But it can be hard to keep all your members engaged and motivated, especially across multiple studios. That’s where KindKatch comes in. This video messaging platform allowed Jason’s studios to connect with their members more personally, sending regular video check-ins and words of encouragement. The result? Their monthly ROI increased threefold. Not only were their members more engaged, but they were also able to generate more revenue. If you’re a business owner looking to boost customer retention, KindKatch is a game-changer.

86% Engagement with low utilization customers and 33% Decreased Cancellations

For any fitness studio, keeping members engaged and reducing cancellations is key to success. That’s why the before and after data showing an 86% engagement rate with low utilization customers and a 33% decrease in cancellations is so impressive. This means that more members consistently use the studio, which also translates to better profits. Even a small 5% increase in member retention can increase profits by 25%. With data like this, it’s clear that a focus on engagement and retention can pay off in a big way for any fitness studio.

With these incredible results, Jason was able to free up his time and focus on other tasks that needed attention. He also saw an increase in customer satisfaction as clients felt more connected with their studio and its staff, resulting in improved loyalty.

Jason attributes his success to KindKatch’s easy-to-use platform. He no longer has to spend time sending individual emails or text messages OR send mass messages that come off as “robot-like.”, He and his team can quickly reach out to customers at any time with relevant, personalized video messages that are sure to drive engagement. Plus, the analytics provided by KindKatch allow Jason to track his campaigns’ performance and make data-driven decisions in real-time.

Why KindKatch?

If you’re a studio owner like Jason, engaging with members across all locations can be daunting. However, with KindKatch’s innovative video messaging platform, keeping members in the loop has never been easier. Not only is KindKatch user-friendly, but it’s also incredibly easy to adopt for your teams. Your staff will be able to create personalized messages in seconds, keeping your members informed and engaged with the latest news and promotions. Whether you want to send reminders, showcase new classes, or connect with members, KindKatch makes it simple and stress-free.

Plus, KindKatch is designed to help you optimize marketing campaigns and track their performance. With detailed analytics, you’ll be able to see what type of content works best with your members and make data-driven decisions that will drive business growth. Finally, thanks to the automation capabilities built into KindKatch, scaling your campaigns across multiple locations will be a breeze.

Engage, optimize, and grow your business with KindKatch – the perfect solution for multi-studio owners. Schedule a demo today to learn more about our video messaging platform and start engaging your members like never before!

View the full case study here!

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