Virtuous Integration Instructions

  1. Log into Virtuous.
  2. Go to Settings > All Settings > Connectivity > API Keys
  3. Create a new API key. By clicking on  “Create an API key”.
  4. You will be prompted for a name. You can use “KindKatch Integration” or something similar. The permission Group should be Admin. Click on “Save API Key.”
  5. Click on the newly created KindKatch Integration Edit button.
  6. Copy the key to your clipboard. (You will need to make the key visible to copy.)
  7. Go back to KindKatch, go to My Account > Integration > Virtuous
  8. Paste your API key and click the “Save & Initialize” button.
  9. A “Pending” notification will show next to the Setup Virtuous Integration. After a brief delay, it will move to “Running”
  10. When the integration is complete you will see a green box with “Complete”.

Other additional notes:

  • Virtuous is the one source of truth after the integration. All updates; including tags, unsubscribes, and updates, must be made in Virtuous. The only exception is, that if someone is deleted in Virtuous then that donor will need to be separately deleted in KindKatch. The best practice is to mark someone as unsubscribed before deleting them.
  • If you delete someone from KindKatch, but not Virtuous, and then update their Virtuous account, that audience member will show back up in KindKatch.
  • If someone unsubscribes from KindKatch that will not unsubscribe them in Virtuous.
  • As long as an individual contact opts in for either email or phone they will be subscribed to KindKatch. If they opted out of both then they will be unsubscribed from KindKatch.
  • Households come over as individual audience members so long as each individual has either an original email or cell phone number.
  • If a contact/audience member preexists in KindKatch and is also in Virtuous pre-integration then that contact will show up once in Virtuous, but will be duplicated in KindKatch.
  • The phone number and email coming across are whatever number and/or email has been selected as primary.

Rick Russell ( is the point of contact for any KindKatch-related issues.

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